King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT)

Announcement on Changes to Microsoft 365 Services

Explanation of the Reasons and Necessity for Limiting OneDrive Storage at the University

Due to changes in service policies by Microsoft, the storage capacity in Microsoft 365 for educational institutions will be adjusted from 5 TB per account to a total limit of 100 TB per institution. This change will take effect on August 1, 2024.

However, currently, the university is using 1,044 TB of space on OneDrive. To accommodate the same amount of storage, the university would need a budget of 13 million baht per year, which it cannot allocate. Therefore, it is necessary to plan to reduce the usage of cloud storage to a level that fits within the available budget.

Therefore, the Computer Center finds it necessary to establish guidelines for the services and storage capacity in Microsoft 365 by reducing the storage size in OneDrive for accounts of staff, organizations, current students, and alumni (details are provided in the attached document). To ensure smooth operations and prevent issues, additional storage capacity will be provided as follows

1. Purchase an additional 100 TB of OneDrive storage at a cost of 1,480,000 THB per year, which will bring the university's total storage capacity to 250 TB.

2. Purchase a centralized storage device (NAS) for the university with a capacity of 230 TB to serve as a data repository awaiting processing for infrequently accessed information.

To prevent data loss and mitigate the impact of Microsoft's policy changes, the Computer Center requests all users to review their storage usage and transfer data out of OneDrive on the university's Microsoft 365 platform to remain within the allotted quota (details are provided in the attached document). The Computer Center will inform you of the designated date for transferring data to the storage options outlined in points 1 and 2.

Notification of Actions to Mitigate the Impact of Changes to Microsoft 365 Services for staff and organizations

The Computer Center has developed a schedule of actions to mitigate the impact of changes to Microsoft 365 services for staff and organizations. We would like to inform you of this schedule as detailed in the image below.

To mitigate the impact on usability and prevent data loss, the Computer Center requests that all personnel review their storage usage and transfer data from OneDrive to remain within the allotted quota. Additionally, please be informed of the changes in service guidelines as detailed in the image below.

This notice is provided for your awareness and necessary action.

Additional Details:

Microsoft Policy Details

  • ๐ Storage space includes OneDrive, SharePoint, Microsoft Forms, and email for students and alumni only.

  • ๐ You can check your usage by accessing OneDrive. The storage information is displayed at the bottom of the menu on the left as follows:

  • 1. Log in to Microsoft 365 and select OneDrive.

  • 2. Click on the App Launcher in the upper-left corner and select 'All apps.'

  • 3. Click on the OneDrive app.

  • 4. On the OneDrive page, check the bottom left corner where your storage usage will be displayed, e.g., 303.5 GB used of 5 TB (5%).

  • Note: The storage policy may be subject to further changes after August 1, 2024.

  • Announcement Regarding Changes to Microsoft 365 Services
    for Current Students and Alumni of KMUTT

    Due to policy changes made by Microsoft, the storage allocation for educational institutions on Microsoft 365 will be reduced from 5 TB per account to a total of 100 TB per institution. This change will take effect on August 1, 2024.

    As a result of this policy, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) must adjust its Microsoft 365 services for current students and alumni. The details are as follows:

    1. Services for Current Students:
      1.1. The storage capacity on Microsoft 365 will be reduced to 10 GB per account.
      1.2. Students are required to review their current usage and reduce the data stored on the university's OneDrive and Microsoft Teams to no more than 10 GB by July 1, 2024. After this date, the Computer Center will suspend Microsoft services for accounts exceeding the quota.
      1.3. Upon graduation, the student's status will be changed to alumni, and their Microsoft 365 services will be transitioned from an A3 license to an alumni license. This change will result in the inability to use Microsoft 365 services, and all data mentioned in item 1.2 will be permanently deleted. However, e-mail services will remain available as before.

    2. Services for Alumni:
      2.1. Microsoft 365 services for alumni will be discontinued, but e-mail services under the domain will continue, with a storage capacity of 10 GB per account.
      2.2. Alumni who are currently using these services are requested to transfer their data from Microsoft 365, including OneDrive, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams, by July 1, 2024.
      2.3. After the deadline, alumni accounts will be transitioned from an A1 license to an alumni license, and all data mentioned in item 2.2 will be permanently deleted.

    Please be informed and take the necessary actions accordingly.
    Computer Center

    Microsoft 365 Service Guidelines for University

    ๐ Microsoft 365 Service Guidelines for University: Additional Update No. 1

    As per the previous announcement regarding Microsoft 365 service guidelines, OneDrive storage has been allocated based on user account types. However, there has been a significant amount of shared storage usage in SharePoint, which may lead to insufficient storage for the university. Therefore, the Computer Center has determined the following guidelines for SharePoint usage within Microsoft 365

    1. Teams Expiration: Teams that have been inactive for 90 days will be automatically deleted. This policy will take effect on August 20, 2024. Teams with ongoing activity will not be affected.

    2. Teams Storage Quota: Each Team will have a storage quota of 15 GB. This policy will take effect on September 1, 2024.

    3. Team Ownership Limit: Each user account can own a maximum of 10 Teams. If a user account owns more than 10 Teams, the oldest Teams will be automatically deleted at the end of each semester. This policy will take effect on September 1, 2024.

    Note: Teams where you are only a member or guest will not be counted towards the 10-Team limit.

    ๐ Microsoft 365 Service Guidelines for University

    Due to Microsoft's policy changes regarding service provision and storage in Microsoft 365 for educational institutions, the storage allocation per account has been reduced from 5TB to a total of 100TB per institution. This policy will take effect on August 1, 2024.

    Given this policy change and the number of licenses held by King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, the total storage allocation of 150TB is currently insufficient to meet our storage needs. As a result, it is necessary to adjust our Microsoft 365 service provision and manage our limited resources effectively. These changes will impact all current staff, organization, students, and alumni.

    1. Allocate OneDrive storage per account as follows:
      1.1. Students: 10 GB
      1.2. Staff: 20 GB
      1.3. Teacher: 30 GB
      1.4. Organization: 50 GB

    2. Allocate storage space on the university's central storage device (NAS) as follows:
      2.1. Staff: 50 GB
      2.2. Teacher: 100 GB
      2.3. Organization: 100 GB

    3. Allocate email storage as follows:
      3.1. Staff/ Teacher / Organization: 100 GB per account
      3.2. Student/Alumni: 10 GB per account

    4. Users and Teams groups created for activities such as meetings and seminars will be deleted once the activity concludes.

    5. MS Teams meeting recordings stored on the cloud will have a retention period of 30 days and will be automatically deleted after that.

    6. Discontinue Microsoft 365 services for alumni, but continue to provide email accounts under the domain as before."
